Two days into the New Year and already I have new material. Working in Risk Management, one of the things we get are complaint calls whenever someone notices one of our delivery people driving irresponsibly. I'd say 2 out of 3 are legitimate complaints, but the other one third would be comical if it wasn't indicative of the number of ignorant people driving cars! We get numerous calls saying "I'm behind one of your drivers and he's driving too slow!" When they're asked how fast he's going, it never fails for them to say, "He's only going 30 and the speed limit is 35!" Now I ask you....when did they change the speed limit signs to mean the speed minimum? I can't began to count the number of times I've bitten my tongue to not ask them to define the word, limit! Then there are those driving from an approach ramp onto an interstate highway and believe they have the right of way. They get very upset because another driver didn't move over for them. Granted, it's a courtesy to allow another driver to merge onto the highway when possible. There may even be some high traffic areas which route you in differently, but folks....come on! You're merging into oncoming traffic! You DO NOT have the right of way on most highways!
On the other hand when I'm out among the populace driving, I've noticed there is a major lack of courtesy among drivers. It's not unusual to meet car after car with their headlights on bright. It's so prominent anymore that it leads me to believe most drivers don't even know what it means when someone blinks their headlights at them. For that matter, many tailgaters have no clue when you tap your brakes at them. We get a lot of callers who'll say, "He keeps hitting his brakes like he wants me to run into him!" .... Lord, help us!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
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I'd like to see the difference between complaints from men vs complaints from women.
I bet you get more complaints from men because each one seems to think they drive better than any other person on the road.
I'm just sayin'........
Making an educated guess, I'd say you're right. More men call and complain then women... and women will usually add the tag, "...and I have my kids in the car too!"
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