Sunday, November 16, 2008

Where Has Time Gone?

What a whirlwind this year has been. I can't believe it's about to end and a new one begin! Chuck and I attended a couple of stamp and postcard shows and started selling on Ebay. Chuck is selling movies and stamps under Irishjew40. I've started a line of jewelry called Jai'ne and have set up sales on called Jainesplace.

We started a new ballroom dance, it was fun while it lasted, but found it too much to keep up. We may try again one day, but would want to find our own facility.

We're much closer on finishing the house remodel. The new bathroom, closet and craft room are nearly done, but still have the bedroom and laundry room to finish. At times I want to throw up my hands, but realize it will be nice once it's done.

Chuck's business is growing so far despite the economy. Of course, with the mess the government aka Bush has gotten us into, we expect to lose some clients if things continue down the same road. I have high hopes for our new president. I believe him to be sincere, knowledgable and ready to prove himself. It was unbelieveable to me how some people so fully took to heart the campaign propaganda put out there. I've always felt candidates that resort to running down their opponents didn't have much of an agenda to run on in the first place. I commend Obama for keeping to his message and breathing new life into my faith that there are people who mean what they say. It's going to be an interesting next 4 years. I'm not fooled into believing he will get it all done in one term, but I believe he's going to make some major inroads into cleaning up the Bush mess.

Here come the holidays! I haven't given them much thought yet, but expect the mood to hit soon. So happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Remember to keep God front and center in your life during the difficult times ahead. Chuck and I wish you love and good times.


1 comment:

Sandy said...

I love your Christmas cactus too! I would love it more if it was over here at my house. Ü